Congratulations to Teresa Gay and all of our new officers for 2022, ready to take of the challenges of this pivotal election year.
Chair: Teresa Gay 1st Vice Chair: Kayla Hollifield (Communications) 2nd Vice Chair: Pat Calmes (Candidate Support)
3rd Vice Chair: Open
Secretary: Beth Williams (Correspondence)
Treasurer: Virginia Webb (Fundraising)
New officers were elected during the general membership meeting in December, 2021, and will be installed at our first meeting in 2022, tentatively set for Wednesday, February 9th via Zoom.

Teresa Gay served on the GA9DDWN Executive Board as first vice chair in 2021, and has been active in Appalachian Indivisible.
We still have an opening for our third Vice Chair, and are looking for someone who is passionate about voter protection, healthcare, or keeping up with legislative priorities to serve on the executive board.