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  Make Your Voice Heard.
Join GA9DDWN and  
  Donate Today.

Three ways to get involved.

Become a member

Get involved and become a member! 

For only $10/year, your paid membership in the GA9DDWN:

  • Supports Democratic candidates in the 9th Congressional District.

  • Gives you voting rights in the organization

  • Provides education on issues impacting women in the 9th District

  • Helps Democratic women by coming together to support one another


Support our cause by funding activity in the 9th district.


Your donations stay in the 9th Congressional District supporting Democratic candidates.



Become a Member or Donate now via ActBlue



Other ways to donate



Get or stay involved by joining the volunteer coalition! 


We'll keep you up to date on current volunteer opportunities. We are always looking for help organizing events, making phone calls and supporting candidates. 


We'll also help you run for office!


Learn More

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